FY24 Highlights
Housing Supports Household Drive

In April, the Housing Supports team hosted a Household Drive for participants in the HomeBASE program. Staff provided 74 families with “Welcome Home” baskets that included personal hygiene items and basic household essentials like towels; dish soap; pots and pan sets; and flatware.
Champions of Housing

Champions of Housing honors leaders in our community who share our passion and commitment to ensuring that everyone in Greater Boston has a place to call home. 2023 Champions of Housing honorees were (L-R): Thomas N. O’Brien, of HYM Investment Group; Whitney Demetrius, of Citizens’ Housing & Planning Association (CHAPA); and James Arthur Jemison, of the City of Boston’s Planning and Development Agency.
31 Nights of Light

Metro Housing was thrilled to participate in the 31 Nights of Light program, a program that celebrates local Boston-area organizations and draws attention to the great work they do in the community and beyond. On the evening of December 21, 2023, the top of the Prudential Tower beamed red in support of Metro Housing’s mission of housing stability in Greater Boston.
Metro Housing Annual Toy Drive

Metro Housing’s Annual Toy Drive provided 129 children from 78 households with gifts that made their holidays brighter. Metro Housing appreciates the support from the following donors that made the drive such a success: Metro Housing staff, Peabody Companies, Boston Cares, Ropes & Gray, and Diane Savitsky for her homemade quilts.
Cause Marketing: Rose Town Kitchen & Bar

Metro Housing was proud to host a successful cause marketing campaign with Rose Town Kitchen & Bar! For the month of April, Metro Housing was the benefactor of Cocktails for a Cause, receiving proceeds from purchases of Metro Housing’s signature drink called “People First”. Metro Housing’s CFO Anne Rousseau was a celebrity bartender for a night to help raise funds and support for the organization’s mission!