
Welcome to Metro Housing | Boston's annual impact report
Between July 2023 and June 2024, Metro Housing|Boston served nearly 14,000 families with federal and state voucher programs that subsidize the rents of low-income families. In addition, more than 9,000 families received eviction prevention aid from the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program, and more than 900 individuals obtained in-depth case management from our Housing Supports programs.
We are also mindful of the work that lies ahead. The housing crisis in Massachusetts continues to grow. There is not enough housing in the state that is affordable and available to low-income families. Inflation has caused rents to rise, and incomes have not kept up with the steep increases. As a result, more and more residents are seeking assistance, and the Metro Housing|Boston staff works diligently to keep up with the demand.
Families need stable places to live in order to succeed in other areas of their lives, whether it be holding jobs, maintaining health, and/or raising children. Metro Housing|Boston recognizes this necessity and offers a variety of programs to address multiple needs.

Metro Housing’s continuum of services is designed for individuals to navigate their way from homelessness to housing stability so participants can not only survive but thrive.
These programs include resources like RAFT, Specialized Intensive Programs & Services (SIPS), Fair Housing & Civil Rights, and HomeBASE. The Housing Consumer Education Center (HCEC) is a free resource that answers families’ questions and guides them through a system that can be challenging to navigate. The federal and state-funded rental subsidy programs provide housing that is affordable and safe and which serves as a foundation upon which participants can build. Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS), Family Economic Stability (FES), and Green Space Financial Coaching programs work with families and individuals to promote economic security. Our dedicated staff members work cross departmentally to streamline the process and achieve positive results.
The success stories within this Annual Impact Report were possible because of the perseverance of those we serve, the committed staff members who strongly believe in the cause, and donors and supporters like you. Your commitment to our mission enables us to fill gaps that exist as we seek to bring services to so many people within our region. As you read about the impact of your support, please know how grateful we are that you chose to support Metro Housing|Boston, and we hope you continue to do so in the future.

Terry Saunders Lane

Cynthia Lacasse

Christopher T. Norris